Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bette Midler Loves Kids Lit!

I’ve always loved Bette Midler, and now I have another reason – she is a fellow lover of kid-lit. While innocently reading a copy of People Magazine in the doctor’s waiting room the other day, I came across this little piece.

Three of Bette's four "Books of My Life" are kid's books, and she chose all-stars. 

Her childhood favorite, Betsy Tacy and Tib, by Maude Hart-Lovelace, was one of mine too. The series is worth a whole blog entry on my part (and will receive due attention in the future). 

Bette identifies most strongly with Huckleberry Finn, of course, Mark Twain's quintessential American icon. The connection is an obvious one - Huck and Bette are both free spirits with heart. 

And the book that made her cry? The poignant White Fang, by Jack London. The Divine Miss M is not just a fan of kids books, they are the books that move her the most.

Her choices are wonderful books for kids, and each also offers a unique snapshot of life in an America that is no more. These are characters that have become iconic examples of our favorite national qualities - adventurous, kind, stubborn and persistent. 

Is Bette my kindred spirit? I like to think so - her beauty, talent...well, maybe our inner qualities are more in sync. But she is a good person, is truly funny and makes me cry whenever she sings. And she blogs too - check out her highly entertaining  "Bette Midler"!

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